Light X Graff :: The Grid (VIDEO)


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Lighting / Painting :: @Glints Artwork and @Dirty? / twz
Shooting / Editing :: @Glints_Artwork
Post Prod / Music :: @Glints_Artwork
by @Dazler®, 2017.

We were able to realize this project with the quality of the products ::
@Light Painting Brushes
@Liteblades for Light Painting
and a little bit of DIY.

26 lecture(s)

Thanks for theirs support to
Matthew Swisher (@Spotlight)
Jason D. Page and his fantastic Light Painting Brushes
as well as Patrick Rochon and the amazing LightBlades.

Et si on partait du #light #lightart #lightpainting pour aller à la #peinture...
-Lumière Feat. Graffiti-

Nous avons travaillé sur un projet combinant la peinture et les techniques du Light Painting.
L'idée principale était de penser en amont la peinture (couleurs, matériaux, texture, reflets, ...) pour un résultat photographique (principalement éclairé en Rouge Vert Bleu).  
Selon l'éclairage, certains détails apparaissent sur la fresque ou disparaissent ...

Dazler® propose une création pluridisciplinaire mixant le dessin, la peinture, le lightpainting ainsi que différentes techniques photographique.


And if we started from #light #lightart #lightpainting to go to # painting ...
- Light Feat. Graffiti-

We worked on a project combining light painting skills and painting.
The main idea was to think upstream the painting (colors, materials, texture, reflections, ...) for a photographic result (mainly illuminated in Red Green Blue).  

Depending on the lighting, some details appear on the fresco or disappear ... 

Dazler® offers a multidisciplinary creation combining drawing, painting, lightpainting and various photographic techniques.

by Glints
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